Being Viral Is Out of Our Control

Being famous! Everyone’s big dream. We all strive for that fame. The attention, the money, the easy life. The thing is, we want to be famous these days anyway and anyhow, however we do not want to work for this fame.

That’s where the ‘being viral’ is the new approach and everyone’s “fantasy” tactic to becoming famous, and it does make sense. One simple video, whether it can be funny, educational or unusual and BAM!, your years pay check in a week or even you last 10 years of pay in a week.

I say fantasy as this is where the viral hype comes from, the fantasy of  many individuals including myself all have in their mind. The opportunity and thought that I can be a famous, rich person based on a single video and I don’t even need to work hard for it.

Lets face it. we’ve all had that stupid YouTube channel at school in thoughts that the stupid shit we did at lunch time was actually something real cool and people would actually find the stuff we did entertaining when really it turned out to be super cringe and lame.

Let’s say you didn’t have that YouTube channel in school and you saw a cat on the street pulling off a funny face or your friend who is like eight beers in one night, says some real stupid but funny phrase. In your head you upload it believing it could go viral and that desire for attention and fame can finally be reached.

The harsh simple fact is, no matter how funny or amazing your lame video really is, you are probably the only person actually thinks.

In order to get viral. it is depended on the people that are online who will potentially view your stuff.

Stumbling on a TED Talk by Kevin Allocca, YouTube’s ‘Trend Manager’, I discovered that most viral videos that have become a trend are videos that are made without the thought of it ever going viral.

With millions of videos on YouTube uploading on a daily basis there is a minimal chance of your video being exposed to millions.

Do you believe that the key to getting viral is dependent on the viewers of the online world, or can there also be other factors?

Let us know in the comment section below




3 thoughts on “Being Viral Is Out of Our Control

  1. Hi Daniel,

    I had a great read of your blog. I have to say that views and engagement are everything when it comes to a viral video. I mean think about it, would you really consider your video to be “viral” if only your mum and dad watched your video without sharing? No, you would want people to share it just because they think it’s funny or relatable to it.

    Nowadays, being viral is simply not good enough, engaging, on the other hand, is the essential ingredient to the recipe of success. Think about it, did you really think Jake Paul had become famous just because of his stupid vine that was posted in 2012? NO! He found different ways to engage with his audience and different video ideas to remain relevant in society.

    I think being viral is one thing, but actually investing your time and effort in staying relevant in today’s technologically advanced society is another.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Daniel nice post.

    Becoming viral is a very hard thing to accomplish these days as so many videos and ideas are a like. I think if you can find a way to please your target audience by creating something unique, this is the most effective way of increasing your chances of doing so. What other factors do you believe contribute to becoming a viral sensation?


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