What makes the Ultimate search engine?


With the plethora of search engines that exist in the world wide web, the question of what precisely makes for a good one comes to mind.

Giants like Google have a unique and successful model. First comes a basic idea, born out of some PhD students’ innovation. Then, Google rises to international stardom, and begins to dip its toes in areas like email and web browsing – not to mention the Android platform.


But to what can Google attribute its success? In the past, sceptics have wondered just how censored and invasive Google really is. One must consider, why is it that our search results might differ from the search results of others? It seems particularly bizarre, when we consider that the topics or ideas searched, are absolutely identical.


For a search engine that reportedly receives 3 million searches a day, it’s comes to no surprise that advertising is now synonymous with Google. Any online advertiser would be foolish to resist using the medium’s clever algorithm technology. Similarly, when Google can make an attractive profit by incorporating large-scale advertising, it should embrace the digital brand name it has for itself.


In the hopes of being transparent, Google searches were even required and utilised for this very blog post itself. Not even academic assignments can resist the fundamental Google search.


Chaffey et al. dabble further into this area of digital marketing. In their 2006 edition of “Internet Marketing”, they explore the essential need for mediums to maintain as well as monitor their online presence. One way that online traffic is measured, is through the site-visitor activity data that is captured, allowing the marketers to know exactly who their receiving audience are, and how they found themselves on their site. This then enables them to utilise mediums like Google (with the help of cookies and algorithms) to dominate in the online sphere.

Can this be the key to creating the ultimate search engine?

Please leave your comments and thoughts below 🙂


2 thoughts on “What makes the Ultimate search engine?

  1. Hey Daniel, great post. I found the point relating to search engines gathering data about who is searching what quite interesting. In doing this, they are creating an advantage for themselves as they can now target different people with ads that will be suitable to them. My question to you is, do you think this can also benefit the consumer as they are getting ads tailored for them, or should they be able to make decisions for themselves about what the want to see?


  2. Hi Adrian,

    I believe it can go both ways, yes they should be getting ads tailored to them but there needs to be a balance. Spamming an individual with ads they did not ask for can be extremely annoying, even if the individual is interested in the product or service advertised.

    That is why I lean more towards, individuals making the decisions because it leans more towards what the individual wants as it specifies the needs and wants of the person.


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